The Firebird Limits

Firebird limits

ITEM Firebird 2.X  Firebird 1.5 
Maximum size of the database

Virtually unlimited
basis using the bd
in several files.

 32 Tb into several files.
Maximum size of the database in a single file

Several terabytes in the vast majority
platforms, the limit is defined
by the system files (4GB or 2 Gb on some platforms, eg Windows 98)

As Firebird 2.x

Maximum  number of database files  64.535 As Firebird 2.x
Maximum number of tables  64.535  As Firebird 2.x
Maximum size of a table  32 Tb  As Firebird 2.x
Maximum size of an external file table
 2 Gb  As Firebird 2.x
Maximum numer of row per table
 > 16 Billions (This is not verified, this data is theoretical). 4 Billions
Maximum row size  64.535 bytes (64 KB)  As Firebird 2.x
Maximum data page size

16 Kb
Note: The size can be of 1024,2048,4096,8192 and 16384.
Size 1024 is not recommended.

 As Firebird 2.x
Maximum number of columns per table It depends on the type of data used.

(Example: 16384 INTEGER (4-byte) values per row.)

Note: 8-Byte are stored for each BLOB or ARRAY
The size of the BLOB or ARRAY is not taken into account the size of the row.
As Firebird 2.x
Maximum number of index per table  65.535 As Firebird 2.x
Maximum main index size
4096 when the page size is 16 Kb
(Limited to one quarter the size of the pagination of the database.)

Note: character limit decreases by column
when the character is set comomultibyte;

(Example: 16384 INTEGER (4-byte) values per row.)

Note: 8-Byte are stored for each BLOB or ARRAY
The size of the BLOB or ARRAY is not taken into account the size of the row.
Proponer una traducción mejor
 252 bytes

Maximum number of indices for datable

 4.398.046.511.104  As Firebird 2.x

Limits Firebird data types

Varchar(n) n Caracteres 1 to 32.767 Bytes Array of characters or string.

NB, if Selects the Multi-Byte reduces
the number of possible characters accordingly.
Smallint 16 bits  -2ˆ15 to 2ˆ15-1 Short integer
Integer 32 bits -2ˆ31 to 2ˆ31-1  Long Integer
Float 32 bits 3.4x10ˆ-30 to 3.4x10ˆ38 Real number with 7 digits
Double Precisión 64 bits 1.7x10ˆ-308 to 1.7x10ˆ308 Real number with 16 digits
Timestamp 64 bits (2x32 bits) 1 jan 100 CE to 28 feb 32768 CE Includes time and date in two 32-bit structures.
Date 32 bits  1 jan 100 CE to 28 feb 32768 CE Date. Example: 12/10/1977
The time is not stored in this type.
Time 32 bits  0:00 to 23:59,9999 Type Time. Example: 12:00:00
BLOB <32 GB   Indeterminate storage variables.
Texts, images, binaries, etc.
(16,32 or 64 bits)
According to the desired specification Real numbers with the number of decimals defined.
Example: Numeric (10.3)