Installation and configuration


Installation disks 

The Firebird-server and any database that you create or connect-must reside on a hard disk physically connected to the server machine. Can not locate server components or a database on a mapped drive, a shared directory or network file system. 
You can mount a database in a read-only CD-ROM but can not run Firebird server from one. 

Program or installation script

Although it is possible to install Firebird by some method-file system as "unpack" (spread) a snapshot file (snapshot) or decompressing a structured file. Zip-Winzip is highly recommended to use the distribution package the first time to install Firebird. The Windows installation executable, the program rpm (RedHat Package Manager) for Linux and the. Tar.gz official other Posix platforms perform some essential tasks of configuration. If you follow the instructions correctly, there should be nothing left to do after completing the process, just log in and start! 

Windows Platforms 

The Firebird installer lets you choose between installing the version or version Superserver Classic Server. As mentioned earlier, you should choose Superserver unless you know the differences and have reasons to prefer Classic. 

If you install Firebird under Windows 95/98/ME, uncheck the option to install the Control Panel applet. It does not work on these platforms. Later in this guide will give you a link to a usable applet. 

Server platforms-Windows NT, 2000 and XP, the Firebird service will be running when the installation is complete. The next time you reboot your server, the service will start automatically. 

The non-server platforms-Windows 95, 98 and ME-not support services. The installation will start the Firebird as an application server, protected by another application known as the Guardian. If the server is abnormally terminated for some reason, the guard tried to restart automatically. 
Posix platforms 

In all cases, read the release notes that correspond to the version of Firebird that is about to install. There may be significant variations from one version to another of any Posix operating system, especially those that are open source. Where possible, the assemblers of each Firebird version have attempted to document known issues. 


If you do not find a copy of the Release Notes in your package, go to the download page in Firebird website and download a copy from there. 

If you have a Linux distribution that supports RPM installations, see the appropriate platform documentation for instructions on using the RedHat Package Manager. In most distributions you will have the option to install from a command line session or through a GUI interface. 

For Linux distributions that can not process rpm programs, and the various versions of UNIX, use the package. Tar.gz Detailed instructions in the release notes. 

It has provided Shell Script (Shell scripts). In some cases, the release notes can tell you to modify the scripts and make some manual adjustments.
